如果你現在連上 http://Canada.org.tw 現在只能看到很制式化的樣板網站, 以往針對在台公民的公民權服務, 護照服務的規定都看不到了!!
我向辦事處聯絡詢問後, 他們目前也還在研究要怎麼辦, 看來這應該是IRCC全球統一的更改, 但這一類樣板網站對於真正住在海外的公民其實只會覺得與辦事處距離更遠了!! 我接著詢問在台公民子女辦理Citizenship Certificate, Passport的規定是否跟以前一樣, 辦事處人員就請我留email, 會由護照組人員直接寄信給我
所以如果有任何申辦業務上的疑問, 目前可能先透過電話或者email (tapei-cs@international.gc.ca)詢問, 希望他們早日可以把原先非常詳細的規定重新擺上來。
這是辦事處護照組回信給我有關於目前申請Citizenship Certificate以及Passport的規定
To obtain a Canadian citizenship certificate for a newborn child:
For minors born overseas to Canadian parent(s) should apply for the citizenship certificate before applying for a passport.The present Canadian Citizenship Act (which came into force February 15, 1977) provides that a child who is born to a Canadian citizen parent (in or out of wedlock) outside of Canada has a claim to Canadian citizenship.
Please note, children born outside Canada to Canadian parent(s) acquire Canadian citizenship by descent if his or her parent(s) became a Canadian citizen by birth or immigration.
For Canadian citizenship certificate application, please submit the following by one of the parents at our office:
1. One set of Canadian citizenship certificate application form. CIT0001
2. The child's original, official birth certificate which shows the child's personal birth details and indicates the full names of the natural parents.
3. Both parents' passports and the Canadian parent(s)' proof of Canadian citizenship ie: a Canadian Birth Certificate or a Canadian Citizenship Certificate. We must see the ORIGINAL documents, photocopies will not be accepted.
4. If available, the original marriage certificate of the child's parents.
5. Two identical citizenship photos. Photo Specifications
6. Application fees
7. $60 stamp and an A4 size self-addressed envelope (optional for mail back service)
Processing time: the entire processing time can take 9 to 13 months.
Service hours: 9~11:30am Monday to Friday (except Statutory Holidays, http://international.gc.ca/world-monde/taiwan/taipei.aspx?lang=zho )
When filing applications, please pay the exact amount of application fees in NT dollars at the window, as our consular section does not keep any small change.
Please be advised that it takes at least 9-13 months for Nova Scotia to process one Citizenship Application. After you receive the citizenship certificate, then you may apply a passport for your child.
Passport Application:
If you have an urgent travel/residency requirement, you can apply for the Canadian Citizenship Certificate and passport concurrently. But the passport you apply is a two-year limited validity passport and it's not extendable.
For minor's 1st passport without proof of Canadian citizenship, please submit the following by one of the parents at our office:
1. All TWO pages of the application form PPTC042 completed and signed within the last 12 months.
2. Two identical passport photos of the child
3. Original English Birth Certificate issued by the hospital or clinic
4. Both parents documents (Canadian parent's passport and citizenship card; non Canadian parent's passport)
5. The payment receipt for the Canadian Citizenship Certificate
6. Proof of travel
7. The Fee
8. $60 stamps and a self-addressed envelope (optional for mailing back service)
The Processing time: The standard processing time is 20 working days.
加拿大公民海外出生的子女如何辦身份(四)- also known as?
加拿大公民海外出生的子女如何辦身份(五) - 返加準備
對啊~為什麼會換啊? 我住高雄啊~上次就白跑一趟了…去辦小兒的公民時,本來想順道辦新生兒的臨時護照 (還沒拿到公民卡),因為機票日期是寫半年後,他們不讓我辦…請問你知道到底離起飛前多久,才能辦護照? 因為有聽到有些離起飛前三、四個月,也有半年的…高雄到台北的高鐵票真的很貴的…不知為什麼我電話都打不進去辦公室? email也寄不出去? 是因為我用Hotmail嗎? 謝謝你的回答
回覆刪除email是 tapei-cs@international.gc.ca 不是taipei喔!不知道是怎樣, 少了一個i. 另外到他們的facebook page傳訊息也會有人回答, 這都是詢問的管道
刪除你是用訂位紀錄還是用有機票號碼的電子機票收據去?因為公民紙的處理時間約4-5個月, 但是官方回答是9-13個月, 你用半年後的行程沒理由不讓你辦阿?他不給你辦的理由是?
我剛問了有打通的人, 他說就是直接按9轉總機去....哈哈哈 不要乖乖去聽那些語音
那你就請你老公寫一份statement, 說因為加拿大籍父母將於YYYMMDD返回加拿大, 為避免申請過程有任何需要加拿大籍父母簽名或處理的問題, 懇請允許申請, 附上老公的電子機票。
刪除用這樣去跟他們講吧, 畢竟加拿大籍父母不在台灣, 真的是很難辦...好好跟他們求情...
這是臨時文件的連結, 如果可以申請下來加拿大護照最好, 不行就是走這條路
請問申請表 是線上表格還是要印出來填寫那種?
回覆刪除下載, 填寫, 印出, 簽名