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2017年11月23日 星期四

Ontario OHIP for PR Applicant

之前寫過PR申請人如何申請BC省的MSP, (link), 最近剛好有討論到Ontario的OHIP似乎常常直接拒絕PR申請人, 甚至說要拿到COPR才符合資格!
其實Ontario的OHIP申請資格應該與BC省相同, 只是似乎Ontario更加謹慎, 所以第一線承辦人員在無法順利判斷的情況, 當然預設就是拒絕. 但如何主張自己的權益呢?

根據OHIP 官網提到的Eligibility就有提到PR申請人的規定

Who qualifies

To qualify for OHIP, you must meet all of the minimum qualifications listed below plus at least one of the additional requirements.
To meet the minimum qualifications you must:
  • be physically in Ontario for 153 days in any 12‑month period
  • be physically in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days immediately after you began living in the province
  • make Ontario your primary home
You must also meet at least one of the following additional requirements. You:
  • are a Canadian citizen
  • are an Indigenous person (registered under the federal Indian Act)
  • are a permanent resident (formerly called a “landed immigrant”)
  • have applied for permanent residence, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has confirmed that:
    • you meet the eligibility requirements to apply
    • you have not yet been denied

再來看Health Act REGULATION 552, 其中的Eligibility講的更詳細一點.
1.4 A person cannot be recognized as a resident, unless the person has one of the following eligible statuses:
1. Being a Canadian citizen.
2. Being a landed immigrant under the former Immigration Act (Canada), or a permanent resident under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
3. Being registered as an Indian under the Indian Act (Canada).
4. Being a “protected person”, as that term is used in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
5. Being a person who has submitted an application for permanent residence in Canada to the proper federal government authority, even if the application has not yet been approved, as long as Citizenship and Immigration Canada has confirmed that the person meets the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent residency in Canada, and the application has not yet been denied.

注意上面Highlighted部分, 這段意思就是說要PR申請人必須成為CIC系統中所謂的Applicant For Permanent Resident才符合OHIP資格. 這點其實與BC的規定並沒有兩樣, 在BC MSP規定也是同樣的規定
"The above helps confirm that CIC considers the person to be an applicant for permanent resident status, and helps MSP determine eligibility and when coverage should begin. "

但應該是Ontario的審查較嚴謹, 所以才會在網路上常常碰到被拒絕的狀況, 下面是我找到如何透過正式的管道來伸張自己的權益
我昨天晚上又找了一些資料, 發現安省雖然也是同意讓PR申請人可以參加OHIP但是他限制得比較嚴格. 簡單來說, PR申請案必須走到AIP(Approval in Principle), 或者PR申請人已經是成為AFP(Applicant For Permanent Residence). 如果單是CIC收到申請書, 有申請按號碼, 是不夠的.
Step 0: 當第一階段申請人資格審查通過後, 會收到CIC的 AIP(Approval in Principle) Letter, 此時開始跑下面的流程
Step 1: 帶著所有文件到Service Ontario申請OHIP, 並說明AIP Letter證明了自己已經是Applicant For Permanent Residence, 還有Online Status的Current Status可以證明, 好好地說明上述的規定,
如過順利完成, 就回家慶祝...
若當場被拒絕, 心平氣和, 向承辦人員表示你將向OHIP Eligibility Review Committee (OERC)申訴, 請對方提供書面拒絕信(denial document)
Step 1a: 過兩天換另外一間Service Ontario再試試看, 還是不行就繼續往下走...
Step 2: 寫信給OERC, 解釋目前PR申請的狀況, 認為已經符合參加OHIP的資格, 請他們review OHIP representative的決定, 並提供denial document, AIP letter, ECAS Online Status
Step 3: 約一個月內, 你會收到OERC的信, 以及一份consent form , 要求你允許他們向CIC查詢你的PR 申請案的目前狀況, 他們會向CIC查詢後, 決定你是否符合資格
Step 4: 約兩個月後, OERC會回覆你他的們決定, 若符合資格, 你就可以再跑一趟Service Ontario申請OHIP.
若被拒絕, 且理由是PR申請人尚未達到Applicant For Permanent Residence的話, 那就耐心等待, 等到CIC已經要求PR申請人做體檢後, 你也上傳體檢收據後, 再走下一個步驟
Step 5: 再以回信的方式, 解釋你這邊瞭解到的PR申請案進度, 要求OERC再一次向CIC查詢目前的進度, 並且review是否已經符合參加OHIP的資格.
若還是被拒絕, 就過一個月, 再重複本步驟, 直到OERC確認你的申請資格

這是我找到讓PR申請人在拿到COPR之前就能參加OHIP的正式方法. 希望對於急著需要參加OHIP的PR 申請人有幫助.

申請依親移民中的PR申請人如何申請BC MSP
Spousal Sponsorship - 配偶依親指南
Spousal Sponsorship - Family Class 境外配偶依親移民申請指南