要換發PR Card, 申請公民, 或者是申請老人年金都需要提供居住紀錄來證明自己符合申請資格, 但哪有辦法記得過去這麼久的紀錄!?還好有ATIP, 就可以以個人身分調閱政府機構保存的個人資訊, 於是你可以向CBSA申請個人的出入境紀錄, 後來ATIP 又增添了線上申請的服務, 可以免去郵寄的不方便. 到底要如何申請?
ATIP Website : https://atip-aiprp.apps.gc.ca/atip/welcome.do?lang=en
歡迎畫面, 總之就是Next....
第一頁 - 申請人資料填寫, 重點如下
Please select the Department where you would like to submit an Access to Information or Privacy request.

How would you prefer to receive the requested records?
這裡選擇希望CBSA回覆的方式, 最方便就是email了, 如果有正本考量則可以選擇Paper Copy
第二頁 - 申請內容,

Please select the Act under which you are submitting the request.
在此選擇"Privacy Act"
Access to Information Act or Privacy Act
- Access to Information Act:The purpose of the Access to Information Act is to provide a right of access to records under the control of a government institution to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or any individual or corporation present in Canada.The application fee is $5.00.Under this Act, you can access all government records (which includes corporate documents, as well as personal information).
- Privacy Act:The purpose of the Privacy Act is to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves where it is held by a government institution and to provide individuals with the right to access such information.There are no fees under the Privacy Act.Under this Act, only personal information may be accessed.
Which type of records do you wish to request?
在此選擇"Case Files"
在此選擇"Case Files"
系統會帶出要調閱的個人資料表格, Client ID就是UCI, 是optional 不記得應該也沒關係
最後一欄則輸入申請內容, 可以寫
"I would like to request my travel history from Jan/01/1900 - Dec/31/2014 at Vancouver International Airport".
第三頁 - 上傳附件
此為optional, 但google到的成功經驗來看, 提供一個Photo ID的附件, 有助於CBSA確認身分. 我是提供護照影本, scan成PDF後上傳. 其他Photo ID如PR Card應該也OK!
第四頁 - Submit
review完成, submit, 會收到系統自動寄發的確認信, 接下來就是等了....除了某些特殊條件, ATIP將於30天內會回覆
- CBSA只Keep入境紀錄, 沒有出境紀錄(是因為加拿大出境沒有"證件查驗"這一關的緣故嗎?!)
- CBSA 於2000/Aug才啟用Integrated Customs Enforcement System (ICES), 所以在那之前的紀錄已經被銷毀了
- 雖然只申請YVR的travel history, 但電腦一撈, 哪個port入境的全部都跑出來, CBSA也懶的剃除就一起提供了
1. CBSA只提供入境資料, 如果要精確計算居住天數怎麼辦?
必須搭配入境國的紀錄來計算, 例如回台灣的話可到出入境管理局申請出入境資料(台灣的就是出入境皆有log)
此紀錄可當場申請取得, 亦可透過自然人憑證線上申請
其餘國家的話, 就得翻護照的入境戳記了
2018/01/06 Update
現在申請到的CBSA入境紀錄會有另外一張Exit History, 就是從美國方面的紀錄來的, 但是有一些限制, 可參考最新一篇文章關於出入境紀錄的文章"如何準備加拿大出入境紀錄"