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2013年11月7日 星期四

[加拿大.境外依親]Sponsor is living exclusively outside of Canada

Sponsor的資格其中有一項是居住地的限制, 住在海外的加拿大公民/永久居民住在海外能不能當Sponsor呢?
如Guide IMM3900所示,
  1. 住在海外的PR不符合Sponsor資格, 不要浪費時間申請
  2. 住在海外的公民若會協同PR Applicant搬回加拿大定居, 則符合Sponsor資格

Sponsorship eligibility(quoted from IMM3900)

In order to sponsor, you must…
  • be 18 years of age or older,
  • be a Canadian citizen, Registered Indian or permanent resident,
  • be sponsoring a member of the family Class,
  • live in Canada or provide evidence, if you are a Canadian citizen living outside of Canada, that you will live in Canada once the person you are sponsoring becomes a permanent resident.
  • sign an agreement with your spouse or common-law partner confirming that each of you understands your obligations and responsibilities,
  • sign an undertaking promising to provide for your spouse or common-law partner’s basic requirements and, if applicable, those of his or her dependent children,
  • prove that you have sufficient income to provide basic requirements for your spouse or common-law partner’s dependent children. To do this, you must provide documents showing your financial resources for the past 12 months. This requirement applies only when dependent children who have dependent children of their own are included on the application.

那Sponsor與 PR Applicant皆住在海外的Application與一般Case有甚麼不同?
  1. IMM1344 Sponsor Residency Declaration須回答Yes, 並勾選返回加拿大定居地
  2. IMM1344 Sponsor Eligibility Assessment 問題4須回答No
  3. IMM5540 Question 11須回答No, 並提供Proof of your intention to return and establish yourself in Canada and Details of your plans to re-establish yourself in Canada
  4. IMM5491 No. 20 Proof of your intention to return and establish yourself in Canada
1&2 Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)
Sponsor Residency Declaration
This section is to be completed only if you are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside of Canada and sponsoring a spouse, a common-law or conjugal partner, and/or dependent children who have no children of their own.
You must check the appropriate box to confirm where (Canadian province, territory or the province of Quebec) you intend to live should your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and (or) dependent children become permanent residents.

Sponsor Eligibility Assessment
  • If you answer “No” to question 4, but are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada
    • You may submit a sponsorship for your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and children who have no children of their own.
    • You must, however, come to Canada to reside with the sponsored person. If this is your situation, complete the section “Residency Declaration”.

3. Sponsor Questionnaire (IMM 5540)
Question 11
Check ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No’’ to indicate if you are currently living in Canada.
If you answer ‘‘Yes’’, indicate since when and provide your current address in Canada.
If you answer ‘‘No’’, provide the following information:
  • When you plan to return
  • Where you plan on residing
  • Proof of your intention to return and establish yourself in Canada

由於我們在加拿大並沒有房子, 親人也不住在那邊, 所以沒有定居地址相關資料可以提供。沒有Job Offer, 也無意進修所以沒有入學許可, 幾乎上頭列出來的我們都沒有。所以在這點上面, 我們的確想了很久如何證明我們會搬回加拿大定居。
最後由擔保人寫了一封信, 說明我們目前的狀況, 以及申請通過後, 搬回加拿大的計畫, 內容大意為
  1. 我們預計出發日期, 為何挑選這個日期
  2. 無法提供租屋合約以及定居地址給CIC的原因(因為定居在海外, 無法現在就租到房子)
  3. 如何安排報到後的頭幾天, 預計租屋的區域以及選擇該區的理由
  4. 我們目前已經接洽跨國搬家公司, 準備通過後搬家
  5. PR Applicant在溫哥華就業的計畫
就是誠實地說明一旦我們申請通過後, 我們如何搬去加拿大定居。
另外擔保人的朋友正好是在就業輔導機構上班, 我們之前與他諮詢過加拿大的就業市場狀況, 請她寫一封親筆信證實我們有跟她諮詢過找工作的事情以及討論過我們搬回加拿大的計畫。

4. No. 20 Proof of your intention to return and establish yourself in Canada(IMM5491)

由於沒有很強力的佐證, 這是整份申請書中最脆弱的一環, 我們覺得可能遭遇CIC要求補件!的確在PR 審核時CIC HK就發了Request Letter要求我們提供Living Arrangement in Canada。

[加拿大.境外依親]Request Letter & Conditional Visa Ready Letter(VRL)


