- Sponsoring a spouse who has dependent children who have dependent children of their own(意思是說sponsor/PR applicant已經當阿公阿媽了)
- Sponsoring a dependent child who has dependent children of his or her own (意思是說sponsor 已經當阿公阿媽而PR Applicant當父母了)
- Sponsor 姓名
- Sonsor current status : 是否有在工作, 還是自營業
- 過去一年的收入
4~6則是用來計算sponsor 目前, 過去已經undertake的人數, 以及其他人數,
4. Sponsor自己, 不用填表格已經預先填1
5A. Current undertaking, 這裡寫IMM0008裡頭的box #3計算出來人數, 我+小孩, 所以填2
5B. 0
6. 0
7. 4,5,6總合 : 1+2+0 = 3
第二頁則是填寫, 5, 6的成員