Factors that may delay processing
The following factors may delay the processing of your application:- missing signature on application forms
- missing documentation
- unclear photocopies of documents
- documents not accompanied by a certified English or French translation
- verification of information and documents provided
- a medical condition that may require additional tests or consultations
- a criminal or security problem
- consultation is required with other offices in Canada and abroad
If I live outside Canada, may I sponsor?
If you are a Canadian citizen, you may sponsor a spouse, a common-law partner or conjugal partner, or a dependent child who has no children of his or her own. However, you must demonstrate that you will live in Canada when the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.Note: Permanent residents residing abroad may not sponsor from outside of Canada. Canadian citizens travelling as tourists are not considered to be residing abroad.
如果是定居於海外的加拿大公民, 可以sponsor 配偶以及受撫養的子女, 但必須提出Applicant取得PR status後將與Applicant一同搬回境內定居的證明。換句話說, 我們必須要提出”返加定居計畫"來說服CIC。
What will the person I want to sponsor have to do?
The person you want to sponsor (and their family members if applicable) will have to:- sign the Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), except if Quebec will be the province of residence,
- complete the forms included with The Immigrant’s Guide (IMM 3999) and provide appropriate documentation in support of their application,
- undergo a medical examination prior to submitting the application (results are valid for 12 months),
- pass criminal and security verifications,
- obtain a passport and, in some countries, an exit visa
- attend an interview at a Canadian visa office, if required.
PR Applicant 需要做的事情
- IMM1344, Sponsorship主申請表格的最後要簽名
- 完成PR Application 相關的Form, 準備Supporting Documents
- 體檢(有效期限為12個月)後送出申請
- 如果需要, 前往CIC面試
Step 1. Gather Documents
What documents are required?
Use the Document Checklist (IMM 5491) which you can find in this package to assist you in gathering the necessary documentation.
Translation of documents
Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:- the English or French translation; and
- an affidavit from the person who completed the translation; and
- a certified copy of the original document.

Certified true copies
To have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:- “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”,
- the name of the original document,
- the date of the certification,
- his or her name,
- his or her official position or title, and
- his or her signature.
Who can certify copies?
Persons authorized to certify copies include the following:In Canada:
- a commissioner of oaths
- a notary public
- a justice of the peace
- a judge
- a magistrate
- a notary public
- an officer of a court of justice
- a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the person is living
非英文或法文的文件必須翻譯, 翻譯者還要宣誓, 並且需公證與正本相符。 文件翻譯不能由Family members 完成。
我把這一段理解成, 只要是影本都必須要做"true copy certificate”, 於是包含passport, citizenship都做了true copy certificate, 多餘了!整個application package需要true copy certificate只有戶籍謄本, 但因為可以申請英文戶籍謄本, 直接附上正本即可, 所以基本上應該都不需要做任何公證。
Step 2. Complete the Application
這裡把每一份Application Form的該怎麼寫姐是得相當詳細, 填寫時再參考即可。這邊先列出每一份Application Form應該由誰參與填寫, 之後每一份再詳細介紹。Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)
Who must fill out this application form?
This form must be completed by:- the sponsor,
- the co-signer, if applicable
- the principal applicant.
Sponsorship Evaluation – (IMM 5481)
Who completes this form?
The sponsor completes this form.The Sponsorship Evaluation will help us assess your past and current obligations with respect to previous sponsorship undertakings that you have signed or co-signed. This form, and the supporting documents you will be sending with your application, will help us determine whether you meet the residency requirement and whether you have the ability to support the applicant.
Note: You must not use this form if you or your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner has a dependent child who has child of his own. You must obtain and complete a Financial Evaluation (IMM 1283), available on our website or by contacting the call centre at 1-888-242-2100.
Quebec residents do not need to complete this form.
Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM 5409)
Who must complete this form?
This form must be completed and signed by the sponsor and common-law partner, only if the latter is a co-signer on the applicationSponsor Questionnaire (IMM 5540)
Who must complete this form?
This form must be completed by the person who is either sponsoring a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner.General Information
- This form must be completed and submitted with your application if you are sponsoring a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner.
- Be complete and factual. Failure to provide this information may delay processing and could result in a refusal.
- If there is not enough space to fully answer a question, provide details on additional sheets of paper. Make sure you write your name, the form’s title and the number or letter of the question you are answering.
- You must answer all questions that apply to you. If a section does not apply to you, write “Not applicable” or “N/A”. Picasa Content
Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)
Who may use this form?
Complete this form only if you:- used the services of a representative to help you prepare or submit your application; or
- are appointing a representative; or
- are cancelling a representative’s appointment.
Step 3. Pay the Fees
總共有兩類的費用要繳, 可透過國際電匯, 國際匯票, 線上支付等不同方式繳納, 當然線上支付快速, 方便, 又省事。Guide也強烈建議, 一次支付所有的費用可避免當CIC處理案件發現部分費用尚未支付時, 通知申請人繳費的郵件往返時間(原文如下)。付費後, 記得要保留收據要連同Application 一起附上。
以我們的CASE來說, 因為小孩已經是加拿大公民, 所以他不需要支付任何費用, 總費用CAD $1040。
線上支付網址 : https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do?lang=en
1. The processing fee which must be included with your application
Processing fees
Number of persons
Amount per person
Amount due
Sponsor |
Principal applicant |
Principal applicant under 22 years of age and a dependent child of the sponsor, a child to be adopted or an orphaned family member that is neither married nor in a common-law relationship. |
| ||
Family member 22 years or older, or who is married, engaged or in a common-law relationship, regardless of age |
| ||
Family member who is under 22 years and who is not married, engaged or in a common-law relationship |
| ||
Total payment |
2. The Right of Permanent Residence Fee
Right of Permanent Residence Fee
Number of persons
Amount per person
Amount due
Principal applicant (Spouse/common-law partner) |
Total payment |
Step 4. Submit the Application
在Guide一開始的"Completing the form"有提到, 如果是用電腦來填寫申請表格, 最後產生的Barcodes 頁面要放在整份申請表格的最上層, 以方便scan。You must answer all the questions on this application form unless indicated otherwise.
1. Download and fill out the application form on a computer.
You also have the option of saving your form and completing it later.
2. Once the application is completed, click on the Validate button located at the top or bottom of the form.
Once the application is completed, click on the Validate button located at the top or bottom of the form.
A barcode page like the one below will be generated:

Note: This barcode page will not appear if you fill out your application by hand.
3. Print all pages of your application form.
4. Sign and date in the spaces provided.
5. Place the barcode page on top of your application (forms and supporting documents) when you will submit it.
寄出申請書時, 信封書寫如下, 要註明是哪一種type的Sponsorship
If you send your application by private courier:
Sponsorship: (type of sponsorship*)
Case Processing Centre – Mississauga
2 Robert Speck Parkway,
Suite 300
Mississauga, ON
L4Z 1H8
如果是透過快遞寄件, 因有些快遞是不送郵政信箱的, 則另外寄送到下列地址, 這應該是真正Case Process Centre所在地吧!
我們是透過FedEx寄件, 但因為Guide看得不夠仔細(看吧~~都說要多看幾次了!)所以還是寄到郵政信箱, FedEx收件後還打電話跟我們確認該郵政信箱有人簽收嗎?!我們說那是寄給政府機關的, 所以應該有吧?!總之, 還是安全送達了!
What Happens Next
耐心等候吧!可到CIC網站查詢目前的處理時間, 以及Check application status(透過Sponsor的UCI Number)
但是通常online application status可查詢的時候, 大概就是Sponsorship已經處理完畢, 準備要處理PR Application了。
Current Processing Times : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm-fc.asp
Online Application Status : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/my_application/status.asp