2017/05/01 update:
自4/28起, CIC已經取消Condition Permanent Residence的要求!詳情請參考
加拿大針對依親移民越來越多假結婚問題, 自2012年10月25日起, 實施新的政策, Conditional Permanent Residence, 在Applicant取得PR Status後的兩年必須與Sponsor維持兩年的合法同居關係才能成為永久PR Status。
Information on Conditional Permanent Residence
As of October 25, 2012, CIC introduced amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The amendments specify that spouses, common-law or conjugal partners who are in a relationship with their sponsor for two years or less and have no children in common with their sponsor at the time of the sponsorship application are subject to a period of conditional permanent residence. The condition requires the sponsored spouse or partner to cohabit in a conjugal relationship with their sponsor for a period of two years after the day on which they became a permanent resident. The conditional measure only applies to permanent residents whose applications are received on October 25, 2012, or after the day that the amendments come into force.Examples
Condition applies if the couple:
- is married for two years or less; or
- dated for four years, but is married for two years or less; or
- have been in a conjugal relationship for two years or less; or
- has cohabited in a common-law relationship for two years or less; and
- Do not have any children in common
- is married for more than two years; or
- have been in a conjugal relationship for more than two years; or
- has cohabited in a common-law relationship for more than two years; or
- Have children in common.
新規定只適用2012/10/25以後送件的, 之前送件的案例若取得PR Status, 則是永久PR Status。
2012/10/25以後送件者則依照上述規定來決定是否核發Conditional PR, 簡單說
- 若有共同小孩, 不論關係多久, 核發永久PR
- 送件時已結婚兩年以上或者是同居兩年以上, 核發永久PR
The Jig is Up on Marriage Fraud
Information for Sponsored Spouses or Partners
Conditional Permanent Resident Status
Exceptions from Conditional Permanent Residence for Victims of Abuse or Neglect