而Family Class的申請又可以分成境內申請以及境外申請, 解釋如下
- If your spouse, partner or accompanying dependent child lives with you in Canada, use the Application for Permanent Residence in Canada—Spouse or Common-law Partner.
- If your spouse, partner or dependent child lives outside Canada, use the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class (FC).
- If you are approved as a sponsor, the CPC will forward your family member’s application for permanent residence to the appropriate Canadian visa office to continue its processing.
1. Sponsorship審核
審核Sponsor是否符合當Sponsor的資格, 依據Sponsor與PR Applicant的關係, Sponsor資格條件也不同。例如, Sponsor收入要求就會因為PR Applicant是否有子女而有不同。
2. PR Applicantion 審核
當Sponsor資格通過後, PR Applicant的案件就會依照申請人所在國家送到相對應負責的CIC Office去。之前台灣的移民申請就是由加拿大台北辦事處處理的, 據說當時後效率非常高, 但加拿大給台灣免簽證待遇後, 加拿大台北辦事處簽證組裁撤, 相關業務就轉由CIC HongKong負責啦!
這階段主要審核就是Sponsor與Applicant之間的關係是否符合依親移民的資料, 以及Applicant本身的狀況(犯罪紀錄, 健康狀況...)
當一切都審查沒問題後, CIC就會要求Applicant將護照寄過去, 在護照上貼PR VISA, 之後連同申請資料所附上的正本一起歸還。
但PR Applicant必須在PR VISA過期前前往加拿大報到, 才能真正成為永久居民(PR), 一旦逾期未報到, 該PR VISA失效, 一切的申請就得重新來過了。 PR VISA的期限約在半年左右, 詳細的規定, 之後再細談。
而我們的案件又跟一般境外依親不同, 一般境外依親, Sponsor 是住加拿大境內, PR Applicant 是住加拿大境外, 但我們都住在境外, 申請境外依親與一般的Case就會稍微一點不同。
住在境外的公民是不符合Sponsor資格的, 除非當Applicant取得PR Status後Sonsor會與PR Applicant一起搬回加拿大同住, 如同下面的解釋。故我們必須較一般境外依親的Case提出"一旦申請通過會搬回加拿大定居"的證明。
If I live outside Canada, may I sponsor?
If you are a Canadian citizen, you may sponsor a spouse, a common-law partner or conjugal partner, or a dependent child who has no children of his or her own. However, you must demonstrate that you will live in Canada when the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.Note: Permanent residents residing abroad may not sponsor from outside of Canada. Canadian citizens travelling as tourists are not considered to be residing abroad.
Sponsorship eligibility
In order to sponsor, you must…
- be 18 years of age or older,
- be a Canadian citizen, Registered Indian or permanent resident,
- be sponsoring a member of the family Class,
- live in Canada or provide evidence, if you are a Canadian citizen living outside of Canada, that you will live in Canada once the person you are sponsoring becomes a permanent resident.